
I grew up on a farm in South Australia,I walked everywhere barefoot,reveling in the sole,soil,Soul connection,in hindsight preparing me to be a barefoot earth walker.

Aged 5 yrs I used to stroke Miss Atkinsones stockings as the class sat on the floor listening to story’s,The tingling in my hands ecstatic,I used to put them on the horses and all farm animals, preparing me to be a hands on healer.

Aged 9 yrs I was in grief telling my Dad I wanted to meet everyone in the world,hence the “oneness” I feel now connected to all.

Aged 10 I could see everyone had a film next to their heads,showing me their many past lives and who they were now, scaring many I shut that down for years.

I spent many days in trees and nights laying on the ground staring at the stars and talking with many children that lived in the stars .Then I grew up , I still talk with them.

From the traditional world of Psychiatry to Spirit Medicine Woman, Australian born writer and Ascension Coach, living in Aotearoa

  Janine Seymour channels the Sounds of Light to bring in the New Earth Energies that quicken personal healing and awakening.

A graduate of the Ancient Mystery School in Machu Picchu Peru and has been facilitating transformation in her clients and workshop participants globally for over 35 years. A key speaker for the Miracle of Love Global Tour, and lead annual retreats in Bali, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. 

I have awakened to my ancient Lemurian Priestess lineage,The Rose Line and the Magdalenes, remembering the  sacred ways of the feminine.

I guide many others home to their Lemurian remembrance in the South Island of Aotearoa NZ

Te Kohanga or Castle Hill

I tone and speak the power of “unworldly sound”, Light Language and Alchemy to release people’s blocks to the remembrance of who they truly are. My voice is so divinely pure, bringing through vibrations and frequencies that open your HEART connect you to your ancient wisdom to be beautifully led by Soul .

Machu Picchu

I have also been alchemist and creator of “Vibrational Essences” that assist in gentle deep change and cellular harmony, from where you can create the new magic you desire. 

“My passion is to lovingly support conscious men and women to reconnect and embody wisdom from your strong sacred Awakened Self. 

 No longer held back by outdated contracts and karmic imprints, you are now free to step into your Awakened Mastery.”

A pivotal moment in my transformation journey came in 1992 in New Zealand at a Retreat called “Break Through – Facing Your Fear”. I had an instantaneous awakening that connected me to the Divine Spark of all Creation – The One.

Coming away from that experience  I realized that “I am the light turned on.” And that enlightenment is “I am meant to be lit from within.”

This is where my medical self changed to the core

I walked away from my  medical career in mental health not long after, to facilitate in others the connection to their Divine Spark of all Creation within.Out of the head to be Soul led.

Then in 2007  I had a death experience that lasted for 3 days and 3 nights. I attended my own cosmic funeral that revealed to me my karmic contracts. I was guided through a ceremony to complete many  karmic contracts.  I chose to come back to this life awakened as a  New Earth Energy Facilitator that I came to be.

Over the course of a few years my entire face, skull and voice box then started re-calibrating. When the process was over, I discovered I was able to channel high frequency sounds of light. This sound unblocks and unlocks that which is stuck instantly.  I am now guiding others to  clearing  off their karmic contracts and guiding them to their own inner wisdom being Soul led.

Janine’s voice is so divinely pure, bringing through vibrations and frequencies that open your HEART, connect you to your ancient wisdom and awaken the master that dwells within.

I lived in New Zealand near her Twin Flame, Mystic Maori Warrior medicine man ,for many years until Spirit guided us to different countries,still connected energetically .  I am a proud mother of two awakened young adults. “Janine will up-skill you into Quantum Shifting skills you can use anywhere to keep you aligned to your inner harmony .

She again is a free spirit traveling to where ever she is guided Globally 

I have trained in many modalities !

General Nurse, Psychiatric Nurse, Spiritual Psychologist, Naturopath, Herbalist, Reflexology, Sound Healing, Light Language, Vibrational Alchemy, Quantum NLP, Breath Consciousness, Conscious Relationships, Children of Now, I clear lands, waters and homes ,Shamanism, Maori Healing , Energy Healing, Intuitive Reader , Soul Retrieval facilitator     Workshop / retreat facilitator 

Here is Janine in Peru , connecting to the deep re-membering in the ancient mystery school of Machu Picchu making the Vibrational essence -Illumination

Also Te kohanga / Castle Hill … ancient Lemurian mystery school

Tauranga, New Zealand

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